The Interrogation Room

       It was bright…too bright for a Ninja. The light in the interrogation room was blinding, causing Squirrels pupils to dilate. The spit and the warm sour smell of old hotdogs from the yelling police officer was starting to get Squirrel a little pissed off.

          The rope around Squirrels arms and ankles were tightly knotted to a strong oak chair that he was sitting on. However Ninja found the knots quite lose and was already hatching a plan to escape. Squirrel saw how lose the knots were for Ninja and quickly thought of a distraction. “Ok, quite down…oi! Shut up!!!” shouted Squirrel as the officer tried shoving more questions in. “Look we know something about the crime you’re right, but why should we tell you?” questioned Squirrel. The chubby police officer (that looks like he’s been to timhortens to much) raised one eyebrow.” “Go on” he asked “I’ve always wanted to do that” mentioned Squirrel, the cop looked confused. “Oh, I mean raise one eyebrow.” “Get on with it” replied the officer impatiently. “Alright, alright” all eyes are on Squirrel now giving Ninja time to work nonchalantly on the ropes. “What’s your name officer?” Squirrel asked. “My name is Steve what’s it to you?” “It was just a question. Ok, so what happened was, Desiree was in the ally waiting for her client and…” Suddenly the small room erupted with motion as Ninja jumped from his chair, delivering a side kick to the head of one of the S.W.A.T. guards. Steve then jumped into action grabbing his 9mm, with out noticing Squirrel tripped over him smashing his nose. (that had been broken in the past by the two Ninjas.)Ninja did a back flip off the table he was standing on. Flipping over the officers head and grabbing a guard by the neck, choking him. Ninja reached for the knife in his ankle strap, throwing it just hard enough to slice the bonds on Squirrel. After Squirrel was released from the oak chair he sent a powerful kick to Steve’s side. “The fight is still on when I’m 20.” Squirrel shouted powerfully. Ninja and Squirrel reached for the door when they were thrown back by the swinging doors. Grey smoke floated into the interrogation room. “How did they find us?” Squirrel asked surprised. A woman wearing a black leather jacket, carrying a Samaria sword emerged from the smoke. “Look Desiree it was a mistake” Squirrel apologized. “Ha-Ha-Ha- hey check this out gang’ they say it wasn’t there fault” Desiree laughed. Some familiar faces then walked into the room. Jay and Ricco came in smirking. “You know we don’t want any trouble, but you three are asking for it.” Ninja threatened as he jumped up and struck a fighting pose. “Ninja we don’t need that kind of trouble we just need to tal…” a knife came soaring through the air cutting a thick chunk of hair off Squirrels head. “ You didn’t just do that!” Squirrel rolled backwards grabbing the knife that almost cut him and threw it into Desiree’s leg. The scream pierced the air like a Hawk diving for its pray. Ninja and Squirrel bolted, knocking Jay, and Ricco off there feet.


       The corridors were dark and full with screams. Flashes of light flew past the two Ninjas as gun shots were fired. Squirrel and Ninja frantically searched for the room where Steve hid their weapons. “Over here Squirrel.” “What is it?” “I found the room.”  They pried open the large metal door with the number 119 engraved at the top. On a near by table laid Squirrels gun powder belt, his 3 lucky Ninja stars and his short sword. “Over here Squirrel. I found walky talkies.” Beside the walky talkies stood a bow, a quiver full of arrows and a small rusted dagger. “Come on let’s grab them and get out of here” hurried Squirrel. Steve staggered in through the open doors with slashes all over his body. “Ninja, Squirrel I believe you…help me…please.” Steve gasped as he collapsed to the ground. “Ok, let’s get him out of here.” “Are you sure?? He is a cop!” Squirrel added.” “But he’ll be on our side if we help him out.”  “I guess you’re right.” Squirrel confessed. They grabbed Steve’s limp body and dragged him out into the hallway. “Damn, this guy’s heavy” said Squirrel. They pulled Steve past another door when Squirrel stopped to look through a small glass window in the door. “Hey, Squirrel what you starring at? Come on lets get out of here!”  Squirrel demanded. Through the window Squirrel saw a beautiful teenage girl with short brown hair, green eyes and an amazing body. She also had flawless skin with just a few freckles on her cheeks and the lips of a goddess, even though her face was full of frustration from the skinny interrogators questions she looked like an angel in black pants and a tight brown shirt. Ninja was tugging on Squirrel, but nothing could stop him from what he was about to do. Squirrel swung the door open. “Who do you think you …ahh…?” The man was lifted into the air by the strength of Squirrels upper cut he slumped to the floor grasping his stomach and gasping for air. “Why did you do that?” asked the girl. “I’m getting you outta here.” Squirrel said in a nonchalant voice. “That was lucky; damn I thought I was going to jail for sure.” The girl grabbed a small switch blade and a pair of numchucks from the table behind where the man laid. The man jumped to his feet welding a pistil. “Hands up boy!” he yelled. Squirrel slowly raised his arms trying to think of a way to get out of this scenario; luckily he noticed that the girl was standing behind the man she grabbed the numchucks in both hands and gave a devastating blow to the skinny mans head. Squirrel laughed “nice to know you’re on our side.” “Our side…?” After the man was out cold Ninja ran in to introduce himself “Hi I’m Ninja.” “Ha… you’re kidding right, your name is Ninja? That’s a laugh.” “Yea, then won’t want to know my name.” “No I’m sorry, come on tell me your name.” “It’s Squirrel. What’s yours?” “Better then Ninja that’s for sure, for now you can call me by my nickname, Puppy.” “Alright enough small talk lets get the hell outta here.” Ninja flustered trying to hurry the group along.” “Right” puppy and squirrel replayed at the same time. Ninja turned one of the radios on “come in Chestnut we need some help, we’re still in the cop shop, and Desiree’s somewhere in the building.” “I’ve got you covered” said a voice from the other side. “Just go to the east wing and jump out the window onto the van.” “Ok, we’ll be there in two minutes” Squirrel confirmed. “I doubt you’ll ever get there.” A man walked around the corner armed with a 5 foot long katana. “Dude, we’ve got to get there in two minutes or chestnut will abort and leave us here, can we just kill Ricco please?” Ninja pleaded. “I said no body count on this mission.” Squirrel said with slight hesitation. “I’m glad I don’t play by that rule” Chuckled Ricco.  Ricco charged with his long sword Pointed at Ninjas chest. Puppy rolled to the side and pushed a button on her stiletto switch blade and through it at Ricco. He caught a glimpse of the blade in the air and smoked it out of his way. Ninja notched an arrow and aimed at Ricco’s moving legs, but missed. Squirrel then knew that his sword was prepared for duel with the katana master of the dark clan. Ricco struck down hard on Squirrels sword. Squirrel jumped just far enough back when Ricco managed to slice his sword in half. “Damn, that was close.” Squirrel said in relief. “It’s not over until you die” Yelled Ricco. Squirrel pulled the instant pin out of his gun powder tube. The sound of the fake gun shot echoed the halls.Ricco then took off in a hurry."lets get out of here quick before he comes back" Puppy sujested as they bollted down the hallway. Glass flew every were as puppy jumped out the window onto a matress chestnut had set ontop of his van. Then Steve’s limp body flew out the window slightly hitting the matress and then sliding off. Squirrel and Ninja fallowed landing smothly on the roof of the van.The three of them jumped into the van dragging Steve’s body along with them. “Ready to go?” yelled chestnut. “Yea, were ready lets get a move on it” said Squirrel. The Ninjas took off in a hurry. Tires screached as they spead out of the parrking lot and down the streat. The police will always have a reminder of the ninjas when they look at the rubber tire marks from chestnuts van in front of there station.